Thread subject: :: Micropezidae

Posted by eguzki on 28-04-2007 19:38

Location: Hungary
Habitat: garden
Size: 4-5 mm
Date: 28-04-07

Is it identifiable from these photos? The first one depicts that the fly seems to clean its wings.

Posted by eguzki on 28-04-2007 19:39

second image:

Posted by Kahis on 28-04-2007 20:26

Micropeza we have only one species (corrigiolata) here in the north. With yellow legs this one is some other species.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 28-04-2007 21:23

I'm trying to find these Micropezidae flies.. :( and you found even in proper garden.

-- the weather to here is cold since few days ago... and in North Europe it seems that is very hot! Do Micropezidae likes much more warm weather? Correct? Which trees/flowers they usually visit? :)

Posted by Kahis on 28-04-2007 23:59

Micropeza corrigiolata is usually found on legumes on sandy ground. The larvae are thought to develop in the root nodules of such plants. In Finland this species is definitely a termophile, found in fore dunes, sand pits, road verges etc.

Calobata (& co.) are totally different; they are mostly forest insects, found on dense vegetation on moist, rich soils. Thick layers of decaying wet leaves seems to be a key.

Posted by eguzki on 29-04-2007 22:07

Thank you Kahis!

Jorge! The weather is warm here in Hungary since few weeks. I always found it on my garden usually around and on arugula (Eruca sativa) but this specimen in this picture found on Phacelia tanacetifolia. However I am afraid of all that means nothing.