Thread subject: :: 3x Empididae

Posted by Juergen Peters on 28-04-2007 17:58


Three larger Empididae from yesterday (Ostwestfalen/Germany).

The first one (or are the two different species?) looks a lot like Empis tesselata. Size about 10-12 mm. But is it tesselata? Maybe the first indivudual is no Empis (no forked vein)?

At first I thought this other one (both pics show the same individual) was the same species, but now I'm not sure anymore...

Edited by Juergen Peters on 28-04-2007 18:01

Posted by Juergen Peters on 28-04-2007 17:59


This one looks a bit different with its mostly red legs and was a little bit smaller (ca. 8 mm).

Posted by Juergen Peters on 28-04-2007 18:01


Quite large (12 mm+) and completely black. Empis ciliata?

Another picture:

Posted by igor on 28-04-2007 19:01

1 - Empis tessellata (please note a misprint in your version).
2 - Empis opaca (female).
3 - most probably your identification is correct.
All the best,

Posted by Juergen Peters on 28-04-2007 19:46

Hello, Igor!

Many thanks!

igor wrote:
1 - Empis tessellata (please note a misprint in your version).

Ah, yes, I missed an 'l'.