Thread subject: :: Tachinidae - Linnaemya? => Peleteria cf varia

Posted by Susan R Walter on 30-12-2013 10:41

Can anything be said about this tachinid? I think it is Linnaemya, maybe picta, but I suppose the pictures aren't good enough to be sure.

Taken in November in lowland central France (Touraine Loire Valley) on flowering Ivy Hedera helix.

Edited by Susan R Walter on 31-12-2013 11:48

Posted by Susan R Walter on 30-12-2013 10:43

I think this is the same individual, although the colour looks completely different and I can't be certain. Perhaps the angle of view...

Posted by ChrisR on 30-12-2013 13:29

Looks like Linnaemya comta but there might be alternatives :)

Posted by Zeegers on 30-12-2013 16:37

Doesn't look like a LInnaemyia at all to me.
Are we very sure it is not a Peleteria ??


Posted by Susan R Walter on 30-12-2013 17:28

Theo that crossed my mind. The antennae look very Peleteria to me, and the facial bristles might be right. But I couldn't find anything that looked right overall, so I decided it must be Linnaemya and the antennae were just at an angle that was fooling me. The body shape seems to me more Linnaemya than Peleteria, and the colours that are just hinted at rather than very definite.

I decided with pale humerus, dark red on femora and tibias and dark bristles on the genae it could be <i>L. picta</i>. I think the wing venation fits for <i>Linnaemya</i> too, but I'll double check that.

But I've never got to grips with Tachinidae, so am fully prepared to be totally wrong.

At least we all agree it is Tachininae :)

Posted by ChrisR on 30-12-2013 17:43

Ahh, nuts ... got that wrong didn't I? :D I think I can just see the Peleteria bristles on photo #1 :)

Posted by Zeegers on 30-12-2013 17:50

Double question mark indicated that my question was retorical.


Posted by Susan R Walter on 30-12-2013 22:08

Righto, Peleteria it is. I note that varia occurs in France. It seems a reasonable match appearance wise (general body colour and pattern, antennae look right) and I don't see any palps. Is it a possibility or is it pointless to speculate?

Posted by Susan R Walter on 30-12-2013 23:06

Hang on...I see discal bristles on T3 and 4, which makes it <i>popelii</i>. Second antennal segment yellow + discal bristles on T3 & T4 = Peleteria popelii according to Tschorsnig's key, but I am deeply suspicious. Keying Tachinids is never that easy...

Posted by ChrisR on 31-12-2013 00:22

Hmm, I see only median marginals, not median discals on T3 & T4 :) I'd stick with P. varia to be safe ;)

Edited by ChrisR on 31-12-2013 00:22

Posted by Susan R Walter on 31-12-2013 11:47

Well I was squinting quite a lot :-) Of course you are right. Peleteria cf varia. Many thanks.