Thread subject: :: id help needed

Posted by davenicholls on 27-04-2007 20:16

Could anyone please help with the id of these two specimens. I am presuming they are different species though with some clear similarities. Both were taken at the same time and place (20 April), sunning on a fence near a lake just outside Leicester. Many thanks

Posted by davenicholls on 27-04-2007 20:17

Here is the second image

Posted by davenicholls on 27-04-2007 20:19

Sorry - this image didn't seem to post with the original message

Posted by Xespok on 27-04-2007 21:32

I think these are female and male Phaonia subventa. Possibly the most common Ph. species. There are similar species to subventa though.

The amount of black on the abdomen seems to be variable in this species. Males tend to have less black, females more.

Edited by Xespok on 27-04-2007 21:41