Thread subject: :: Crumomyia notabilis

Posted by ebbek on 14-12-2013 23:27

A Crumomyia, I think, from SW Sweden tosay. About 5 mm and perhaps there are not so many species in this group of this size? Is genera correct and is it possible to say anything about which species it can be?

Edited by ebbek on 17-12-2013 13:04

Posted by ebbek on 14-12-2013 23:28

Other view. More detailed pictures will come in a while.

Posted by ebbek on 14-12-2013 23:43

Detail of first tarsomere of hindleg with a hook

Posted by ebbek on 15-12-2013 00:22

Perhaps C. notabilis - or are there any species to confuse it with?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 16-12-2013 20:23

A number of species, even. The pictures do not suffice, sorry.

Posted by ebbek on 16-12-2013 21:57

Ok, thanks! I understand that it is not an easy group.

It was according to Hackman (1965) and espicially the narrowed pointed foreceps with apical denticles that I suggested notabilis (he also mentions the distinct clouded cross-veins as typical). It is not easy to get a good picture on the foreceps, but here is a not so good. But perhaps it doesn´t make it clearer .....


Posted by Paul Beuk on 17-12-2013 12:04

Based on the genitalia it might indeed be notabilis, but rohaceki cannot be ruled out completely. If the anepimeron is completely pruinose, it is notabilis.

Posted by ebbek on 17-12-2013 12:14

Many thanks for help!

Anepimerin seems to be completely pruinose. I will try and get a picture on it later.


Posted by ebbek on 17-12-2013 13:02

A picture on anepimeron. It is not heavily pruinose but there is a clear contrast to the unpruinose parts of anepisternum.


Edited by ebbek on 17-12-2013 13:03