Thread subject: :: Dolichopodidae - Neurigona biflexa
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 26-04-2007 14:02
* locality - Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL
* date - 2007.04.26
* size - 6 mm (medium fly)
* habitat - farmland
* substrate - Citrus limon
Dolichopodidae. Which one?
EDIT ---> Title changed from "Dolichopodidae" to "Dolichopodidae - Neurigona biflexa"
Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 27-04-2007 17:14
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 26-04-2007 14:02
another view
Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-04-2007 14:28
Neurigona speciesw. Igor, is it
Posted by Igor Grichanov on 27-04-2007 11:14
With such remarkable fore tarsus this fly should be only:
Neurigona biflexa Strobl, 1909: in Czerny & Strobl, Verh.zool.-bot.Ges. Wien. 59: 183 ** Type locality: Spain: "Algeciras, Feute Teja bei Escorial". Palaearctic: England, France, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Bulgaria *
May I put these photos in Doli phototheque?
Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-04-2007 11:33
Hehe, not fair. That species is not in your key in 'A checklist and keys to North European genera and species of Dolichopodidae'. :P
Posted by Igor Grichanov on 27-04-2007 13:00
The species has not reached North Europe yet.
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 27-04-2007 13:11
yes, Igor. You can use my photo.
Please, fix this in Medetera flavipes in your gallery
"river Dro. (Location: Pyvoa Dro - Silgueiros - VISEU - PORTUGAL)"
the correct is
"river Dao. (Povoa Dao - Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL)"
(BUT the real words are "river D?o. (P?voa D?o - Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL)" It seems that, for some reason, it doesn't accept the rigth accents. :(
Just one question: Was this the first time that this fly was spotted in Portugal? If I found this N. biflexa . which are the other species relationed with this we can found? (I mean if there are any relationships with other doli flies? )
Paul, very soon I will update gallery with all ID flies confirmed, included this one. ;)
Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 27-04-2007 13:11
Posted by Igor Grichanov on 27-04-2007 14:23
Thank you.
Sorry for wrong accent. Please check catalog. But the fauna of Portugal is rather poorly studied. Please use Parent, 1938, Faune de France, and you will find a lot of species new for Portugal.
Carles-Tolr?, M. (ed.), 2002. Cat?logo de los Diptera de Espa?a, Portugal y Andorra. - Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa; Monografia 8.
Posted by Kahis on 27-04-2007 14:57
Note that Parent's book has just been released as a PDF, so you can just grab a copy from the website (see the notice thread posted today).
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 27-04-2007 16:06
Igor Grichanov wrote:
Thank you.
Sorry for wrong accent. Please check catalog. But the fauna of Portugal is rather poorly studied. Please use Parent, 1938, Faune de France, and you will find a lot of species new for Portugal.
Carles-Tolr?, M. (ed.), 2002. Cat?logo de los Diptera de Espa?a, Portugal y Andorra. - Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa; Monografia 8.
I suppose Neurogona is not now valid, and Neurigona it is... In Parent, 1938, it appears as Neurogona. Why the migration from Neurogona to Neurigona?
Thank you.
Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 27-04-2007 16:11
Posted by Kahis on 27-04-2007 16:51
The BioSystematic Database of World Diptera ( is your friend in questions about nomenclature. For this particular case, Neurogona is apparently a misspelling by Olderberg, which was later thought to be valid by Becker (and others)
Posted by Igor Grichanov on 27-04-2007 17:09
Jere, according to list of Meuffels, the author (Rondani) misspelled the name first in 5 years after description.
Neurigonia [F, v. Neurigona] genus [Van Duzee, 1911: Canad.Ent. 43: 240]
Neurogona [F, v. Neurigona] genus [Loew, cf. Rondani 1861: Dipterol.ital.Prodr. 4: 6; Becker, 1918: N.Acta Acad.leop., Halle, 103: 299]
Neurogonia [F, v. Neurigona] genus [Van Duzee, 1925: Psyche 32: 179]
Neurogonus [F, v. Neurigona] [genus]
Neurongonia [F, v. Neurigona] genus [Hardy, 1930: Austr.Zool.(Sydney) 6: 125]
By the way, BDWD has a lot of errors regarding Dolichopodidae. Olderberg (false for Oldenberg), is it your error or BDWD error?
Best regards.
Posted by Kahis on 27-04-2007 17:28
Olderberg is my mistake :).
I know the BSDWD is not always taxonomically sound, but nothing better is available which a) covers all families, not only Dolichopodidae and b) is easily available for amateurs. The database at least gets the main fact right, ie. Neurogona is wrong and Neurigona should be used.
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 27-04-2007 17:32
so many mistakes... how could this happens??
Thanks for your explanations!