Thread subject: :: Copromyza stercoraria

Posted by ebbek on 28-11-2013 22:02

Is it possible to say which group/genera? From SW Seden yesterday, 5 mm.

Edited by ebbek on 30-11-2013 19:35

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 28-11-2013 22:05


Posted by ebbek on 28-11-2013 22:35

Many thanks for help!


Posted by Jan Willem on 28-11-2013 23:49

Subfamily Copromyzinae.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 29-11-2013 10:46

Copromyza sp.

Posted by ebbek on 29-11-2013 15:43

Thanks a lot for help!

Is it possible to get to species if I add more detailed pictures (and of which details)? Or is there any key to find for this genus?


Posted by mossnisse on 29-11-2013 18:19

Hackman, W. 1965 On the genus Copromyza Fall. (Dipt,, Sphaeroceridae),
with special reference to the finnish species. Notulae Entomologicae XLV

Posted by ebbek on 29-11-2013 23:18

Thanks a lot! I will search for this publication!


Edited by ebbek on 29-11-2013 23:18

Posted by Paul Beuk on 30-11-2013 00:23

Norrbom, A.L., & K.C. Kim, 1985. Taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Copromyza Fallén (s.s.) (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae). – Annals of the Entomological Society of America 78: 331-347.

More recent, complete, updated nomenclature.

Posted by ebbek on 30-11-2013 19:35

Thanks for info Paul!

According to Hackman 1965 it seems to be C. stercoraria, epsecially according to the large shining area on mesopleuron. But I have not seen Norrbom & Kim 1985, and will check there too when I find it.


Posted by Ectemnius on 30-11-2013 23:16

Does anyone have a .pdf of: Norrbom, A.L., & K.C. Kim, 1985?



Posted by magnusp on 01-12-2013 20:17

I just keyed my first Sphaeroceridae a few days ago, so I am by no means an expert, but isn't this Copromyza equina? Based on the dusting on mesopleuron and the color of the hind femur. C. stercoraria should have black femora and less dusting on mesopleuron. Further it has a very distinct y-shaped marking on tergite 1-2, but this feature is not included in the key by Hackman.

Edited by magnusp on 01-12-2013 20:59

Posted by ebbek on 01-12-2013 22:33

A detailed picture of abdomen. And Magnus - is it that marking you are mentioning, or does it look otherwise?


Edited by ebbek on 01-12-2013 22:37

Posted by ebbek on 01-12-2013 22:41

And a picture of mesopleuron. It is not so dusty as it appears on the first picture. What do you think after these two pictures - stercoraria or equina?

Posted by magnusp on 01-12-2013 23:18

Now I am not so sure anymore... But I have only seen one stercoraria and three equina so far. We better wait for someone with more experience.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 02-12-2013 10:32

I'll try to remember to look into it tomorrow, as I am at home today.

Posted by ebbek on 16-12-2013 22:03

may I remind on this one?


Posted by Paul Beuk on 17-12-2013 12:04

The y shape seems to be distinct enough. I have seen it on other species, too, but more vaguely. The pruinosity on the anepisternum is also consistent with stercoraria.

Posted by ebbek on 17-12-2013 12:15

Many thanks again!
