Thread subject: :: Copromyza

Posted by jeremyr on 09-11-2013 02:01

is this fly a species of Sphaerocera? It has swollen hind basitarsus and an orange stripe on the brow and a stripe on the scutellum. Collected in the woods in May


Edit: I've just found a fly in my folder called Copromyza nigrina, which has orange on the frons and looks similar generally. Might it be that genus?

Edited by jeremyr on 29-11-2013 03:09

Posted by jeremyr on 09-11-2013 02:03

side view

Posted by jeremyr on 09-11-2013 03:33

captured fly

Posted by John Carr on 09-11-2013 14:55

Subfamily Copromyzinae.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-11-2013 20:32

Copromyza sp.