Thread subject: :: Limoniidae? Tipuliidae?

Posted by eguzki on 23-04-2007 10:59

Location: Hungary
Habitat: garden
Size: 1-1,5 cm
Date: 22-04-07

Posted by eguzki on 23-04-2007 11:31

Could it be Nephrotoma crocata (Tipulidae) ?

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 23-04-2007 11:35


Nephrotroma sp.

Here tipulids are very common. Yesterday I saw, at least, about 5 different species, but i didn?t take any specimens or photos.

Posted by Xespok on 23-04-2007 13:03

This is a very common Tipulid in Hungary, but I could sofar find no-one who dared to put a species name on it. Very similar crane flies are found on the net as N. crocata, N.appendiculata and others.