Thread subject: :: Helina sexmaculata cf, Muscidae, Hungary, April 2007

Posted by Xespok on 22-04-2007 22:03

Anyone knows this rather distinctive fly?

Edited by Xespok on 23-04-2007 22:05

Posted by Xespok on 22-04-2007 22:05

Lateral view.

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 22-04-2007 22:42

I don't really know wether it is the right ID, but the abdominal patterns looks like Helina sexmaculata ones.


Posted by Xespok on 23-04-2007 22:05

Thx, this is a good idea, I try to look up whether I have this specimen.

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 23-04-2007 22:26

I come back on this one.
Not only the abdominal patterns match, but following my documentation also these features :
- base of abdomen translucent reddish-yellow ;
- scutum with 2 large brown spots after suture ;
- scutellum with yellow tip and two lateral dark spots ;
- all legs yellow/brown, femora brownished, and all tarsi black.

I know that Helina are usualy impossible to determinate by photographs, but (If I am not wrong) this one could be fairly typical.
Azelia have also that kind of abdominal pattern, but I'm sceptical.

I dont know what the Pro think about it, but I'd like to, because it's like this I'm learning too...

Best regards.

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 17-07-2009 21:33

With a few years past I can say that it is for sure a male Helina sexmaculata. And here is the female :

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 17-07-2009 21:36

Characteristic pattern on thorax and abdomen :

Edited by Stephane Lebrun on 17-07-2009 21:37