Thread subject: :: Platypezidae - Callomyia dives from Póvoa Dão - Viseu - PORTUGAL

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 24-10-2013 19:20


Spotted this one in 21st October 2013 near Corylus avellana in Povoa Dao - Viseu - PORTUGAL.
I wonder if this could be a C. cf. dives.

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 26-10-2013 19:38

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 25-10-2013 21:37

Anyone agree? I only want to confirm the species as if it is C. dives it would be new for Portugal. Thanks!

Posted by mossnisse on 25-10-2013 21:51

Check genitalia and legs (out of focus) against fauna ent scand

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 25-10-2013 22:12

I do not have that book...
here the photos of the legs, and part of the genitalia:

Posted by jeremyr on 25-10-2013 23:57

Externally it seems to me to fit the description of speciosa more than dives. The wing should be 'brownish tinted' for dives and here it looks clear. Also the haltere looks to be dark with a yellowish stem. The bases of the tibiae on the fore and mid legs look especially light. Also the pattern of light and dark on the side of the abdomen seems to fit speciosa slightly more than dives. So I suggest that it might be Callomyia speciosa rather than C. dives.


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 26-10-2013 00:01

the wings are perfectly clear - there are no patches of any kind. Yes, the halter has the description you gave. I will put as C. cf. speciosa. :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-10-2013 10:20

This is C. dives.

Posted by michal tkoc on 29-10-2013 20:08

Hi, I also agree with C. dives, Jeremy if you want, I can explain why. Cheers, Michal

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 29-10-2013 20:12

Many thanks, Paul and Michal.

So this will be a new record for Portugal..