Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae 1 (NL) =>Neoleria ruficeps

Posted by blaauw7 on 23-10-2013 20:15

Found on wild mushrooms, old beech forest Netherlands. ID possible ?

Gr Dick

Edited by blaauw7 on 03-11-2013 10:58

Posted by blaauw7 on 23-10-2013 20:15


Posted by rvanderweele on 30-10-2013 23:07

Neoleria ruficauda

Posted by Andrzej on 31-10-2013 00:09

In my opinion the ID character has been omitted by Ruud ...
It's another species: Neoleria ruficeps. Andrzej

Edited by Andrzej on 31-10-2013 00:10

Posted by rvanderweele on 31-10-2013 00:26

The bristles on the 3rd femur are very small. I have here specimens with much bigger bristles. If you look laterally at the fly the bristles are hardly bigger than the hairs near it.

Posted by rvanderweele on 31-10-2013 00:31

though the environment for N. ruficeps is known to be around mushrooms.
But too late now to go back upstairs. Tomorrow too early out of bed for a business trip.

Posted by rvanderweele on 02-11-2013 17:01

Only now I had time to go upstairs to my little room and look at the fly again. Indeed my cheeks are still blushing; I really overlooked the bristled on the hind femur. It is absultely, as Andrzej, said a male N. ruficeps. I am very pleased with the specimen, since it is the first Dutch one in my collection. I have two other males from Hungary.
I have to say, Andrzej, that it looks to me that the bristles on their femore a slighter bigger. Is there such a variability in the size of these bristles, Andrzej? I ahve to say that all the Hungarian Heleomyzidae have been checked by Laci during the last year during my stay in Hungary.

Posted by blaauw7 on 03-11-2013 10:57

Oke! Thanks Andrzej and Ruud.

Gr Dick