Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 21-04-2007 21:40
I have no idea about this one, although the wing venation looks quite special. It's something I have never seen before and I do not know where to start searching.
Could anyone help me out?
Photographed today at Leerdam, Netherlands. Small fly, 4-5 mm long.
Thanks in advance!
Posted by Igor Grichanov on 22-04-2007 07:13
If the mesonotum is densely haired (it seems to be) and abdomen yellow at base, then most probably:
Argyra diaphana (Fabricius, 1775) [Musca] (Macquart, 1834: Hist.nat. Dipt. 1: 456) *
=Musca diaphana Fabricius, 1775: Syst.Ent. 1775: 783 ** Type locality: Germany: Lipsiae [= Leipzig]. Palaearctic: Ireland, England, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, France, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Iran * Argyra
Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 22-04-2007 12:11
Robert, Kahis, Igor: thank you very much for your help!