Thread subject: :: Small dark Chloropidae > Oscinella maura

Posted by Manuel Lopez on 16-10-2013 17:14

From Padul wetland area. A small Chloropidae, which already says a lot about its size.

Thanks for the help.


Edited by Manuel Lopez on 10-12-2013 21:56

Posted by Manuel Lopez on 16-10-2013 17:15

Another view

Posted by Manuel Lopez on 16-10-2013 17:15


Edited by Manuel Lopez on 16-10-2013 18:24

Posted by Manuel Lopez on 16-10-2013 18:24

Another one

Posted by Manuel Lopez on 22-10-2013 19:37

Oscinella sp.?

Posted by Manuel Lopez on 10-12-2013 17:15

To remember this thread :|

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 10-12-2013 19:28

Oscinella maura (Fallén, 1820), Chloropidae. A very peculiar Oscinella species with its thick white 3rd article of the arista and its brownish wings. O. albiseta (Meigen, 1830) is a junior synonym. The main host grass is Dactylis glomerata, but larvae develop also in grass species in the genera Bromus, Festuca, Holcus, Triticum, Clinelymus.

Posted by Manuel Lopez on 10-12-2013 20:27

Thank you very much for the information and identification. A luxury. :D