Posted by Igor Grichanov on 21-04-2007 11:42
Xanthochlorus tenellus (Wiedemann, 1817) [Dolichopus] (Loew, 1857: Progr.Realsch.Meseritz 1857: 42) *
=Dolichopus tenellus Wiedemann, 1817: Zool.Mag. (Wied.) 1(1): 73 ** Type locality: Denmark: Holstein. Palaearctic: Ireland, England, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia * Xanthochlorus
What do you mean under Baltic region of Russia? Kaliningrad?
Posted by proctoss on 23-04-2007 01:43
Thank you, Igor. Yes, the material from Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg)
Posted by Igor Grichanov on 23-04-2007 06:56
In fact, I do not know any reliable data on Dolies from Kaliningrad. A few XIX century records from Prussia may belong to Poland or Lithuania as well. Your collection deserves faunistic publication in a journal.