Thread subject: :: A Syrphid species from Bezbog, Bulgaria

Posted by Alan Outen on 25-08-2013 18:34

As indicated on a previous thread I made two tours to Bulgaria this year, principally as a Botanist, but inevitably one cannot ignore the rich diversity of spectacular and interesting insects. I photographed a number of flies on each of the tours and have already posted some images. This Syrphid from Bezbog looks as if it might be Chrysotoxum elegans but I am conscious that there might be other similar species in Bulgaria so would welcome confirmation or otherwise from someone more knowledgeable than me.

Many thanks


Posted by Alan Outen on 25-08-2013 18:35

Here is a second image, the only other one that I managed before the specimen flew....

Posted by Paul Beuk on 25-08-2013 20:32

Chrysotoxum sp.

Posted by Alan Outen on 26-08-2013 10:20

Thank you Paul. So at least I had genus correct but species uncertain.
