Thread subject: :: Unknown small fly, Suffolk, July => Pachygaster cf. atra

Posted by Martin Cooper on 07-08-2013 23:55

I photographed this fly indoors last month. I think it was 3 or 4 mm long, though I didn't measure it at the time. Can anyone help identify it, please?


Edited by Martin Cooper on 24-03-2014 19:22

Posted by mossnisse on 08-08-2013 09:15

cool it's some Stratiomyidae

Posted by Martin Cooper on 08-08-2013 10:05

Thanks for that clue! Checking on possible UK species, I came across Pachygaster atra: black, rotund, scutellum without spines. I then found an image that looked very much like mine: http://en.wikiped...080122.JPG. So maybe this was one of those? Next time I see one I will take a closer look!

Thanks again for giving me the family.

Best wishes,

Posted by Mark-uk on 08-08-2013 21:14

Pachygaster atra looks good