Posted by tristram on 17-07-2013 20:25
Photo taken near Reading, UK, on 2012-04-24.
I think this might be a male
Hylemya vagans. Is this correct?
Edited by tristram on 18-07-2013 21:15
Posted by javanerkelens on 17-07-2013 22:36
On this photo I nearly can see if the arista is indeed long haired, what suggest
Hylemya, so maybe a crop to confirm it.
If so….
Hylemya seems right, but if it is indeed
H. vagans, I can’t say for sure, because the male of
H. urbica also can have the tibia very yellowish / brownish.
I need to see the present or absent (
H. vagans) of the subapical ad seta on the midfemur and if the occiput is bare (
H. vagans) or not.
So I have doubt between
H. vagans and
H. urbica (both common)
H. variata mostly has the tibia more brownish / black (less common)
Edited by javanerkelens on 17-07-2013 22:37
Posted by tristram on 18-07-2013 19:18
This contrast-enhanced blow-up does seem to show the presence of long hairs on the aristae. I'll put it down as a
Hylemya sp.
Thank you, Johanna.
Edited by tristram on 18-07-2013 19:23