Thread subject: :: Collembola ID?

Posted by cosmln on 10-04-2007 16:19


I have photographed this Collembola (eating on Sarcoscypha coccinea) on 24 march 2007 in Retezat Mountain (~900 m) (close to Nucsoara). large ~4mm.

there was more than one exemplary, all eating S.coccinea.

maybe one species ID is possible?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-04-2007 20:05


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 11-04-2007 22:08

I think Onychiuridae, Tetrodontophora. Tipycal species Tetrodontophora gigas is exactly from Central Europe, Carpathian Mountains and it is unusualy large Collembolas.

Edited by Nikita Vikhrev on 11-04-2007 22:08