Thread subject: :: Limoniidae/Tipuliidae? from Romania

Posted by cosmln on 10-04-2007 10:21


i have photographed this limonid/tipulid close to Nucsoara (Retezat Mountain) (~650 m) in 4 april 2007.
there where swarm of them.

(three photos)

Posted by cosmln on 10-04-2007 10:22

the second photo

Posted by cosmln on 10-04-2007 10:23

the last one

Posted by Chen Young on 10-04-2007 16:52

Nice images of crane fly in the family Limoniidae, Subfamily Hexatominae, Tribe Limnophilini. It is difficult to tell which genus it belongs to. There are two likely genera: Limnophila and Eloeophila. The difference is based on if there is a cross-vein in cell bm. All of your images are very clear and sharp except only the last images shows the bm cell but not in full view. There is a dark spot toward the base of the cell, if it has a cross vein at this dark spot, then this is a Eloephila species. Otherwise, it is a Limnophila species.

Posted by cosmln on 10-04-2007 17:02

i really don't know to much about diptera (maybe i don't know anything) so the cell bm? i really don't know where is this (maybe you give me the full name of this cell)... and after i will make a crop for you.

thanks for the help,

Posted by Chen Young on 10-04-2007 18:55

On your last image of the crane fly, the right wing is visible. Notice the long veins from LEFT to RIGHT (or BOTTOM to TOP of the wing). The first long vein is A2, the second one is A1, the third one is CuA2 and the fourth one is CuA1. Between CuA1 and CuA2 there is a cross-vein close to the edge, this is cross-vein m-cu. The cell to the left of m-cu is cell bm. If there is another cross-vein in this cell bm, then the crane fly is genus Eloeophila. If there is no cross-vein in this cell bm, then the crane fly is genus Limnophila. There is no visible cross-vein in cell bm in your image except toward the base of the cell, there is a dark spot and it is not clear if there is a cross-vein at this spot.

Posted by cosmln on 23-04-2007 22:28

maybe is the same with:

Limnophila (Limnophila) cf pictipennis

at least from i see in the picture, from what i remember in the filed... including that monkey face on the thorax.


Posted by nielsyese on 24-05-2013 20:51

Limnophila, not pictipennis, but schranki or arnoudi.