Thread subject: :: Sciomyzidae

Posted by fleabag on 08-04-2007 03:50


I had a good day for snail killers:)

This looks like a new one for me,i can see a similar one in the gallery but im not sure,please could anyone help?

Found in rural sussex UK + maybe about 10mm.



Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 08-04-2007 08:11

Hi Noel.
It is Sepedon spinipes.

Posted by fleabag on 08-04-2007 17:15

thanks :)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-04-2007 18:09

i saw lots of snails here. :( How and where can I find Sciomyzidae to help to control these increase of snails?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 08-04-2007 18:25

Jorge, what do you have against snails? It is nice and harmless animals! Sepedon has nothing against snails - as Don Corleone said - "nothing personal, just business".
P.S. You can find Sepedon of the grass growing from water

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-04-2007 19:01

i don?t like snails, they destroy some plants here. :( When I said many I would mean hundreds of them! During the night, I was suprised when I walked above a "snail ground". :S and hear just "cratch" "cratch" :S

I see that there are_ "Larvae (of Sciomyzidae) prey on slugs and freshwater snails."

I will try to seek for these Sciomyzidae flies. I never saw one. Perhaps do they like more cold weather?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 08-04-2007 22:08

This Sepedon S.spinipes do not recorded in Portuguese, but blackish Sepedon sphegea and rare Sepedon femorata (I wish to have a specimen!) do. Sepedon has nothing against hot weather - it is mostly tropical genus. Other Sciomyzidae prefer the shadow places, you will find a lot in Portuguese.
Bon chance, Jorge:D