Thread subject: :: Brachyopa bicolor

Posted by jeremyr on 29-05-2013 17:22

is it possible that this fly is Neoleria inscripta? It was more orange than this before it was pinned, and the scutellum a bright orange. When I saw it I thought it was a smallish Rhingia rostrata with no snout! Heleomyzidae is the closest I can think of, but it doesn't seem to have many bristles...


Edited by jeremyr on 15-01-2014 10:22

Posted by jeremyr on 29-05-2013 17:22

2nd view

Posted by jeremyr on 29-05-2013 17:23

3rd view

Posted by Zeegers on 29-05-2013 17:41

Hi Jeremey,

Your first idea was better

It is Brachyopa (Syrphidae)

Several very similar species.
Th scutellum is dark on anterior part, suggesting B. bicolor.

For the experts (transfer to Syrphidae Forum !)


Posted by jeremyr on 29-05-2013 19:19

Hi Theo,

I had to do a double-take there because I thought you said Syrphidae.....

now I see in Stubbs that such a fly does indeed exist, and it's a better match than a bristle-less Heleomyzid. I've seen it in the book but always passed over it as something I'm not likely to find. Extraordinary. The book shows a fat-bodied male (for B. scutellaris), but the abdomen here is longish.

many thanks,
