Thread subject: :: Opomyzidae, Geomyza sp.

Posted by Karol Ox on 27-02-2013 13:57

Geomyza tripunctata is the correct? Date: 23.9.2012, Slovakia-Kosice.

Edited by Karol Ox on 27-02-2013 19:20

Posted by Karol Ox on 27-02-2013 13:57


Posted by Jan Willem on 27-02-2013 18:44

Either Geomyza tripunctata or G. nartshukae. Did you collect the specimens? In that case you could study the genitalia.

Posted by Karol Ox on 27-02-2013 19:19

Jan Willem wrote:
Either Geomyza tripunctata or G. nartshukae. Did you collect the specimens? In that case you could study the genitalia.

Thank you Jan. I don't collect the specimen.

Edited by Karol Ox on 27-02-2013 19:20