Thread subject: :: Microcercis kerteszi - Chloropidae 1

Posted by hedy2411 on 15-02-2013 23:59

Can this fly be named..?
Found 18-6-2011 in Zeist, Holland

Edited by hedy2411 on 25-10-2013 22:33

Posted by Sara21392 on 19-02-2013 15:43

Again not clear photo, and I guess Oscinella sp.

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 03-05-2013 23:34

This is Microcercis kerteszi (Becker, 1910), Chloropidae, Oscinellinae. In earlier times (going backwards) it was included in the genera Incertella, Tropidoscinis, Conioscinella and firstly in Oscinella. The black enlarged and slightly axe-like 3rd antennal segments and the yellowish anterior margin of the frons are typical characters. It is an abundant fly with preference for open forest biotopes, the larvae are phytosaprophagous.