Thread subject: :: Chamaesyrphus lusitanicus

Posted by valter on 01-02-2013 16:22

Location: Portugal
Date: February 2013


Edited by valter on 28-02-2013 17:04

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 18-02-2013 20:44

Not latifrons, so a Pelecocera sp. from a picture...

Posted by Andre on 23-02-2013 11:26

This seems to be the specimen you sent me... ;)
Hope you can find many more... (collect them all)

BTW: I will be in Portugal, near Esposende, by the end of april.
Check Jorge, if you'd like to join us on a day of collecting...

Posted by Dieter on 25-02-2013 19:50

Probably Pelecocera (Chamaesyrphus) pruinosomaculata Strobl, a widespread species in the Mediterranean and usually found during the winter months. A definite ID requires a voucher.
