Thread subject: :: Chloropidae 2-Thaumatomyia glabra

Posted by nielsyese on 29-01-2013 19:54

This one was collected near a salty area in the Netherlands. Maybe Thaumatomyia glabra?

Edited by nielsyese on 01-02-2013 18:04

Posted by nielsyese on 29-01-2013 19:54

Dorsal view

Posted by Sara21392 on 01-02-2013 13:55

Yeah, looks true!

Posted by nielsyese on 01-02-2013 18:03

Thank you;)

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 13-05-2013 19:21

Thaumatomyia glabra (Meigen, 1830), female (Chloropidae). Different from all other Palaearctic spp. in this genus the fly is more or less "glabrous", except of the macrochaetae. Larvae feed on root aphids (Pemphigidae), being beneficial in the garden like the other T. spp. Flies do not aggregate in houses like T. notata but a few are always within those gigantic swarms in autumn.

Posted by nielsyese on 14-05-2013 18:46

Thank you for the confirmation! This one was obviously different from T. notata, which is indeed very numerous around my house in autumn.