Thread subject: :: Pegoplata aestiva

Posted by hedy2411 on 22-01-2013 23:10
#1 it possible to name this fly..?
Found 28-7-2012 in Zeist, Holland

Edited by hedy2411 on 02-02-2013 15:48

Posted by javanerkelens on 22-01-2013 23:34

Two pd on t3 (one long and one short) + it seems to have an av seta on t2.......
Two possibilities: Adia cinerella and Pegoplata aestiva.
We need a microscopic view on the propleura to see if this area is haired or not, to could say more....

Edited by javanerkelens on 23-01-2013 00:09

Posted by hedy2411 on 23-01-2013 23:42

Joke, I still have this picture, may it help..?

Posted by javanerkelens on 23-01-2013 23:58

On the propleura there seems to be some pollen...
It could be, the pollen stick on the little hairs present on the propleura. (P. aestiva)

But...maybe I just see, what I want to see....:D

Edited by javanerkelens on 23-01-2013 23:58

Posted by Michael Ackland on 24-01-2013 12:04

Too dark for Adia cinerella. It could be Pegoplata aestiva as I can see an av-seta on mid tibia. But one needs to see the propleuron (proepisternum) for hairs (as Joke has pointed out) and is the face between bases of antennae swollen into a hump, a character of aestiva?