Thread subject: :: Chrysotoxum cautum?

Posted by Michael Stemmer on 29-12-2012 12:47


can this hoverfly be identified by foto? I caught it on May 10th, 2011, on the light. Location: Germany, Rhineland-Palatinum, 53572 Unkel, River Rhine valley, dry and warm habitat.

I already posted this fly 1 1/2 years ago, with another photo, but never got an answer. Perhaps this photo is better for an identification.

Thanks in advance,


Posted by Michael Stemmer on 29-12-2012 12:53

WHY didnĀ“t the upload work? there were nop spaces, dots etc. in the name.

One more try:

Posted by Sundew on 03-01-2013 22:14

Ch. cautum should be correct. However, a good picture of the antennae is needed to compare the length of the segments (this is the first question the key http://web.archiv...x_key.html asks). In your fly the third segment seems to equal the first and second together, which is fine for Ch. cautum. The colouring fits well, too.
Regards, Sundew

Posted by Michael Stemmer on 07-01-2013 08:00

Thank you, Sundew! This helps me a lot.

Greetings from the river Rhine valley,
