Thread subject: :: Chrysopilus sp., male
Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 24-07-2005 07:27
This is Syrphidae's colourated small Rhagionidae, about 5-6 mm. Moscow region, 22 july, herb near small pond. In the old book I have it mentions only one genus of Rhagionidae (Rhagio sure). Search in www lead me to genus Chrysopilus.

Posted by Zeegers on 25-07-2005 08:20
It is definitely a Chrysopilus, but I can't tell you the species.
Theo Zeegers
Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-07-2005 15:44
Thank you Theo. It is so important for me, to get the confirmation of my guess.
Posted by Ben Hamers on 25-07-2005 16:45
In my diptera-guide it says that Chrysopilus sp. do have bigger facets in the upper half of the eye and that those facets are sharply separated from the smaller ones in the lower half.
It seems that this is demonstrated very nice in the first picture, where the two parts of the eye have different colours.
Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 20-06-2006 20:51
And this one is also Ch. splendidus or Ch. asiliformis?
It seems to me that f are brown, so Ch. splendidus?