Thread subject: :: Callomyia, but which one?

Posted by Libelleke on 29-11-2012 14:23

Hi forum,

August 5th of 2012 I found this small beautifully coloured fly on our bird migration post Strabrechtse Heide near Eindhoven/Netherlands.
Posting it on, Callomyia amoena or Callomyia speciosa came up. The latter actually looked alike a bit more, but still we weren't sure.
Are the pictures clear enough to reveal a species here or is Callomyia sp. the closest we can get?

Many thanks in advance and with kind regards,


Posted by Libelleke on 29-11-2012 14:24

And a 2nd picture...

Posted by mossnisse on 29-11-2012 14:31
