Thread subject: :: Platypeza consobrina

Posted by jeremyr on 13-11-2012 22:01

I think T1 is sufficiently visible to say it's consobrina from this picture alone. Does anyone agree? I collected this specimen and have two of these now and pictures of a third and they all look the same

Posted by hedy2411 on 13-11-2012 23:30
#2 me it looks like a Protoclythia modesta, but wait for the expert....


Posted by Menno Reemer on 13-11-2012 23:54

Although the length ratios of the hind tarsomeres cannot be assessed by this picture, crossvein dm-cu is too close to the wing margin for Protoclythia. Besides, the shape of the abdominal markings is not right for P. modesta. Platypeza consobrina seems a good guess to me (based on amount of grey on tergites and length of cell CuP, as far as this is visible), but I'm not 100% certain.

Posted by hedy2411 on 14-11-2012 00:39

Hello Jeremy and Menno,

In fact I know I should not interfer in naming flies, but now I had one picture looking alike of which I think it's a Protoclythia modesta... I will upload it.
So, excuse me... :S
