Thread subject: :: Sciaridae fly.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-03-2007 01:26


* locality - Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL
* date - 2007.03.07
* size - 6 mm (medium fly)
* habitat - woodland
* substrate - near dry fern

Which Sciaridae is this one?

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 08-03-2007 01:28

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-03-2007 01:27

the same specimen. other view

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-03-2007 01:27

other view

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-03-2007 01:28

other.. strange prange thing... proboscis? mouthpart ??

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 08-03-2007 01:30

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-03-2007 01:29

full view

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 08-03-2007 01:31

Posted by Jan Willem on 08-03-2007 11:22

Hi Jorge,

I think that in most cases it won't be possible to identify Sciaridae after a photo:(. But you never know, someone might be able to give you the genus name.

Jan Willem