Thread subject: :: Lucilia ampullacea????

Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 28-10-2012 18:23

Taken in Gijon Botanical Gardens on August 2012. Please, pay attention to the length of the 3rd anthennal segment. Black basicostas, 2 pairs of postsutural acrosticals. I think it can be Lucilia ampullacea but I have not references to compare. Help, please!!

Edited by Piluca_Alvarez on 28-10-2012 18:24

Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 28-10-2012 18:24

Another view.

Posted by Hana Sulakova on 31-10-2012 21:49

Hi Piluca,
it is difficult to distinguish Lucilia females with "dark" basicosta and 2 pairs of postsutural acrosticals - it might be L. ampulacea, L. caesar and L. illustris in Spain. The main difference between L. ampullacea and L. caesar/illustris is "absence" of coxopleural streaks at posterior spiracles (L. ampullacea doesn't have any...). The length of the 3rd anthennal segment can be useful but not conclusive... ;)

Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 31-10-2012 21:55

Hana, thank you sooo much for your reply!! ;) Now I know for sure what is the important feature |t