Thread subject: :: Volucella zonaria, Marmaris Turkey

Posted by thomas on 22-10-2012 19:25

Dear Forum
Which species is this?
Turunç, Marmaris, Prov. Mugla, Turkey, 15.9.2012, 100m
Thanks for help

Edited by thomas on 23-10-2012 17:12

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-10-2012 19:43

See the FAQ if you have problems attaching images. Three pointers: no spaces in the file name, no more than 200 KB and no previewing the message (because the image will then not upload).

Posted by magnusp on 22-10-2012 21:02

Volucella sp.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 22-10-2012 22:43

Volucella zonaria...

Posted by thomas on 23-10-2012 17:13

Gerard Pennards wrote:
Volucella zonaria...

Gerard, thanks a lot.