Thread subject: :: Bombiliidae???
Posted by jokin on 04-03-2007 09:50
taken in south of Spain in 02/2007
Posted by Xespok on 04-03-2007 10:04
Terrific fly. A must for the gallery.
I cannot help you with the ID, it certainly looks like a Bombyliid, but there are a few genera with long proboscis? in Tabanidae as well. I leave this for the pros.
Posted by Zeegers on 04-03-2007 10:18
Gabor is right.
Some Tabinidae in subfamily Pangoniinae are often taken for Bombyliids. However, with such an first antennal segment, this is no doubt a real Bombyliid.
And that's where my expertise ends
Theo Zeegers
Posted by David Gibbs on 04-03-2007 16:31
as Theo says, certainly a bombylid. It is a male
Conophorus of a species which i have not seen myself. the fist couplet in available keys is the number of sub-marginal cells, 2 or 3. Unfortunately the angle of the photo makes this difficult to be sure of but i guess at three. Sticking my neck out i will suggest
C. macroglossus Dufour but
C. fuminervis Dufour is another strong contender. Would love a specimen;)