Thread subject: :: Syrphidae Episyrphus balteatus

Posted by Boza47 on 07-10-2012 14:12

Serbia, Batajnica, October, 7th, 2012

According to thr shape of antena, this should be male, or am i wrong?

Edited by Boza47 on 09-10-2012 09:27

Posted by ChrisR on 07-10-2012 14:38

Episyrphus balteatus :)

It looks like a male - not because of the antennae but because the eyes are touching at the top of the head.

Posted by Boza47 on 07-10-2012 14:48

Thank You, Cris.
Being El. Eng., and not a biologist, i shall restrain myself from
stupid comments.