Thread subject: :: Hover fly from Hong Kong: Syritta pipiens?

Posted by chickenold on 16-09-2012 11:26

Seen today near a stream. Sorry that there wasn't a sufficiently clear shot before it flew away.

Posted by chickenold on 16-09-2012 11:27

Dorsal view:

Edited by chickenold on 16-09-2012 11:27

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 16-09-2012 15:31

Syritta yes, but not pipiens. I suspect it to be Syritta orientalis....

Posted by chickenold on 16-09-2012 16:49

My first impression was S. orientalis (a species not uncommon in HK), but then the reddish orange patch on the femur of hind legs makes me puzzled, as the femurs of the previously seen individuals were completely black.