Thread subject: :: Lauxanid

Posted by John Bratton on 28-08-2012 16:06

I thought this has intra-alar bristles, in which case it keys to Minettia plumicornis. But the terminalia don't match the drawings of this species. If it hasn't got intra-alars, it keys to Sapromyza quadricincta. Do the terminalia look correct for this species, please?

It was caught in broad-leaved woodland, Coed Nant Gain, North Wales, 9 August 2012.

More pictures to come.

John Bratton

Posted by John Bratton on 28-08-2012 16:07

End view of terminalia

Posted by John Bratton on 28-08-2012 16:08


Posted by John Bratton on 28-08-2012 16:09

Whole animal. Is anything else needed?

Thanks in anticipation.


Posted by katerina dvorakova on 29-08-2012 22:53

Minettia filia. Very nice photos for galery! It is a sparcelly occurred and localy comon psychrophilous species.

Posted by John Bratton on 30-08-2012 16:00

Thanks very much. I'll go back to the key to see where I went wrong. I had to look up what psychrophilous means. The woodland is at low altitude, so not particularly cool, even in this wet summer.

Best wishes
John Bratton

Posted by oxycera on 30-08-2012 17:42

Very useful photos, this species is not mentioned in Laurence Clemons' 'Practical Key'.

Posted by John Bratton on 04-09-2012 14:46

I've submitted some photos for the gallery, probably more than will be wanted but I'll let the Powers that Be decide which are most useful.


Posted by Mark-uk on 07-09-2012 15:19

It is in my key ;-)

Rather timely as I was going the kook at Minettia filia specimins this weekend.

not common - but supect this is more common that record indicate a most keys will lead one to Sapromyza

Edited by Mark-uk on 07-09-2012 15:22

Posted by oxycera on 07-09-2012 22:27

Is your key by any means available, Mark?