Thread subject: :: Another Diptera unknown from Rome, Italy

Posted by lynkos on 12-07-2005 11:27

Here I am again with another Diptera, this time not photographed by me, but by a friend who doesn't speak English, so I'm acting as go-between. Can anyone help at least put it in a family?

Thanks millions, Sarah

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 12-07-2005 11:43

Hello Sarah,
This is a bee fly in the family Bombyliidae.
If I'm not mistaken this is a fly in the genus Villa.

Posted by lynkos on 12-07-2005 11:54

Thanks Gerard. I'll take a look in the checklists and see which members of the family are found locally. If I come to any conclusions, I'll let you know, ;) Sarah

Posted by Andrius on 13-07-2005 08:35

Those small Buprestidae beetles near the fly are also nice creatures :)

Posted by lynkos on 13-07-2005 10:23

Yes they are, although it's not easy to be certain from the photo, they look like Anthaxia to me. These umbelliferae flowers are always full of life, a great "hunting ground" for photos, Sarah