Thread subject: :: Hover fly from Hong Kong: Xanthogramma sp.?

Posted by chickenold on 19-08-2012 18:09

Saw this thread in another forum posted three years ago:

Posted by Paul Beuk on 20-08-2012 12:42

Sorry, no visible image in that other post.

Posted by chickenold on 20-08-2012 15:38

image attached

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 16-09-2012 15:53

Maybe, but doesn't look familiar...

Posted by chickenold on 07-11-2012 18:13

Or can it be something close to Eupeodes confrater?

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 18-11-2012 01:02

Possible, at least it's a syrphini, so Eupeodes could be. But, like I said, it doesn't ring a bell...