Thread subject: :: Conops ? => Conops scutellatus

Posted by pat_der2003 on 22-07-2012 16:55

60 km south Paris (F), July 22 2012.

Edited by pat_der2003 on 01-08-2012 19:00

Posted by pat_der2003 on 23-07-2012 20:17

Nobody for this one ? :)

Posted by pat_der2003 on 31-07-2012 19:08

Am I totally wrong ?

Posted by Mark-uk on 01-08-2012 12:43

I would say Conops - not sure of speacies thought of the top of my head

Posted by Asilus on 01-08-2012 13:47

This must be Conops scutellatus...

Posted by pat_der2003 on 01-08-2012 19:01

Many thanks !!!! :)

Posted by David Clements on 11-09-2012 22:00

yes, male Conops scutellatus. Not a common species anywhere.

Posted by pat_der2003 on 14-09-2012 17:41

David Clements wrote:
Not a common species anywhere.

Oh, interesting !!

Thanks a lot !!:)