Thread subject: :: Eristalis tenax

Posted by Susan R Walter on 10-02-2007 22:09

I am pretty sure this is Eristalis tenax, but would just like confirmation.

Male, 14mm, from 3 September 2006, east London cemetery park.

Strong and defined facial stripe (1/3 width of face), hind tibia dark, front and mid tarsi dark, eyes have band of dense hair down the middle.

Posted by Susan R Walter on 10-02-2007 22:11

Another view.

Posted by pierred on 11-02-2007 07:25


I think it is E. tenax.

Posted by Xespok on 11-02-2007 17:36

Sure, the two hairy stripes on the eye give this away.

Posted by Susan R Walter on 24-02-2007 16:56

Many thanks guys:D