Thread subject: :: Unknown Fly

Posted by Markus Gebel on 05-02-2007 16:59


Yesterday I photographed an unkown fly in West-Germany! Who can help me and identify this fly (7-10mm)?


best regards

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 05-02-2007 17:08

Hi Markus.
It is male of Pollenia sp., Calliphoridae. Flies of this genus have golden hairs on thorax.

Posted by Markus Gebel on 05-02-2007 19:13


Thanks for your identification. Is a more exact identification feasible with this insect or isn't not possible that?

best regards;)

Posted by Kahis on 05-02-2007 20:05

Species level identification of Pollenia requires a good view from several directions. Some species can be identified only be examination of male genitalia. So you are out of luck with this one.

Posted by Markus Gebel on 05-02-2007 21:42

@Kahis: Thanx - thats a word!

Here I show another picture, but the perspective is nearly identical unfortunately. Perhaps now an expert sees enough - I hope.
Hope dies last.

best regards