Thread subject: :: Rhagoletis meigenii? > Trypeta immaculata

Posted by Stephen R on 20-06-2012 00:52

Clitheroe UK, 18 June 2012

I found this dead body, which I think is a female Rh. meigenii, not too far from a Mahonia with developing fruit. The only doubt is that most images of this fly in the Forum do not have the dark spot at the anal cell crossvein. Is this unusual?

Edited by Stephen R on 24-06-2012 11:26

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 20-06-2012 07:02

Looks like either Trypeta immaculata (a dandelion leaf miner, known from Scotland) or R. meigenii. Wing pattern is lightly more similar to the first species. However, their variability strongly overlap. Do you have the specimen to take a picture of its antenna (tip rounded/pointed)?

Posted by Stephen R on 20-06-2012 13:46

Definitely rounded. I guess that means Trypeta?

Posted by Stephen R on 20-06-2012 13:48

Here's a lateral view of the fly.

Posted by Stephen R on 20-06-2012 13:49

and a shot of the frons

Posted by Stephen R on 20-06-2012 13:51

I thought the ovipositor looked odd, but I think it has just picked up some pollen