Thread subject: :: Chrysotoxum elegans ???

Posted by valter on 17-06-2012 00:36

Location: Algarve, Portugal
Date: June 2012

Edited by valter on 18-09-2012 15:05

Posted by Menno Reemer on 19-06-2012 15:29

Chrysotoxum sp.

Posted by valter on 06-09-2012 18:23

Which species could be ?

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 16-09-2012 15:39

I would guess C. elegans male, but that's not sure.

Posted by valter on 18-09-2012 15:50

Another photo

Posted by Andre on 23-09-2012 16:12

It will have to be collected to be sure of the ID. But probably it is C. intermedia.