Thread subject: :: Beris clavipes?, southern Norway

Posted by Geir79 on 13-06-2012 21:52

Guess this is genus Beris? Is it possible to identify from photos?

Photographed in a oak forest close to a lake in southern Norway. Date is 09.06.2012.

Size around 7-8 mm I think.

Edited by Geir79 on 15-06-2012 12:37

Posted by Geir79 on 13-06-2012 21:53


Posted by Geir79 on 15-06-2012 12:36

Looked through the gallery, could this be a Beris clavipes (female)?

Posted by Mark-uk on 15-06-2012 13:34

I would say Beris clavipes as the hind tibia is all yellow, in Beris vallata it is black in the apical half

Edited by Mark-uk on 15-06-2012 13:34

Posted by Geir79 on 15-06-2012 13:48

I don't have the keys for this genus, so I've only got to B. clavipes by comparing with photos (of all the Beris sp. known from Norway).

Females of Beris vallata seems to have more transparant wings too? This and a another one I've photographed have almost black wings...