Thread subject: :: Riponnensia splendens

Posted by eastendswift on 12-06-2012 17:55

NOW IDENTIFIED AS Riponnensia splendens.

Right, I'm stumped by this male hoverfly. It's green, apparently hairless, eyes were apparent at all angles and light conditions, even in the shade. Face shows prominent knob, expansive metlalic green frons reaching down to the base of the antennae, and prominent antennae are orange on underside.

Shows strong metallic green/bronze reflections on thorax with the hint of paired golden stripes, as in Paraheliophilus. Abdomen was unspotted, with bronze sheen. In some pics, it shows a complicated arrangement of its front tarsi, although there's no apparent long hairs or curls on underside of front femora, perhaps ruling out Platycheirus (tho it does look a bit like one, with perhaps rather sturdy legs).

Size estimate, a little over 10mm. Langbank, Renfrewshire. Jun 12 2012

Thanks for looking – anyone got any ideas?

Edited by eastendswift on 12-06-2012 19:04

Posted by John Carr on 12-06-2012 18:29

It reminds me of Chrysogaster, but I don't know much about these.

Posted by eastendswift on 12-06-2012 19:33

thanks John, it now has a name! And it is Chrysogastrini