Thread subject: :: Tender fly
Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-07-2005 13:26
During last month I often find this 3-4mm fly mostly in shadow places.
May be somebody help me to find the Family?
Posted by Kahis on 10-07-2005 14:28
It's a lauxanid fly, probably of genus
Meiosimyza (=
Lyciella in older articles)
Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-07-2005 15:02
I will have to check the keys, but my gut feeling says
Sapromyza. Unfortunately, most of my keys are in the office and out of reach at the moment. I will get back. ;)
Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-07-2005 15:30
I'll wait your getting back, thank you.
Posted by Kahis on 11-07-2005 19:38
Paul Beuk wrote:
I will have to check the keys, but my gut feeling says Sapromyza. Unfortunately, most of my keys are in the office and out of reach at the moment. I will get back. ;)
Sapromyza shouldn't have strong pre-sutural dorsocentral setae and this fly clearly has one presutural pair of dc. So my gut feeling is still
Meiosimyza, but it could still be something else. But no Finnish
Meiosimyza has a reddish mesonotum. :-? A clear-winged
Homoneura perhaps?