Thread subject: :: Psilidae Chyliza from NE Turkey

Posted by Cesa on 04-06-2012 21:14

unfortunately, this is is the unique image that I have from NE Turkey. Can it be anthomyzid species? Muhabbet

Edited by Cesa on 05-06-2012 05:57

Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-06-2012 23:56

Looks like Psilidae, Chyliza.

Posted by Cesa on 05-06-2012 05:55

many thanks Paul!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 05-06-2012 11:27

For those interested in the european species of Chyliza, you might like to know there is an introduced American species, Chyliza leguminicola that was recorded from Denmark last year. It does resemble the species illustrated above but has much smaller eyes and extensively darkened femora. The paper also includes a key to all known European species of Chyliza, which seems to lead to the C. leptogaster/C. nova couplet for the specimen depicted above.

The paper can be downloaded from THIS page.

Posted by Cesa on 05-06-2012 15:40

many thanks again Paul for your valuable comments!