Thread subject: :: Please help me ID this hoverfly. Confirmed Myathropa florea male

Posted by werkis on 29-05-2012 15:37

Hello! Can you help me to ID this hoverfly ? I am new meber to this great webpage. This hoverfly was spotted in Latvia (Europe) i allready identifyed few hoverflies on my own but i couldent ID this one.

PS. Sorry if my English isnt to good!
hover5 by werkis2, on Flickr

Edited by werkis on 30-05-2012 13:18

Posted by Paul Beuk on 29-05-2012 16:01

Myathropa florea, male

Posted by werkis on 29-05-2012 21:35

Thank you i had spoted Myathropa florea before but it didn't had two circle spots so it was female ?